Wednesday, August 20, 2008

salvation by chance of a fancy coat

I have heard it said: "that God will in no way interfere with the will of man." As if our will were the all-sovereign force of the universe. I happen to know that God's will is the only all-sovereign force there is.

Let's look at a simple story that is not normally used to show the sovereign will of God--the story of the coat of many colors.

We all know the story, Jacob makes his son, Joseph, a beautiful coat of many colors. His brothers are overcome with jealousy and they plot to kill him. Instead they decide not to kill him but to toss him into a pit, but just then slave traders happen by and Joseph is taken off to Egypt. While in Egypt, he faces one challenge after another but ends up as the Pharaoh's right hand man. From here he is able to come into a position of authority over his brothers when they come to Egypt for food, as the whole land is in famine. Joseph shows unconditional love and forgiveness to his brothers. Eventually the Hebrew people come to Egypt and from there they become slaves. Later on, God saves a Hebrew male baby, named Moses, whom He uses to free His people and lead them out of bondage into the promised land (after a fast little trip through the wilderness that is). From there Israel becomes a nation. There are a few trips over the Jordan and back a battle or two, and a carrying away or two, a rebuilding, the roman occupation and the stage is set for the Messiah to come and redeem his people and all of man kind.

Now, I ask you - "Did God leave it up to chance that Jacob would Give Joseph that coat?" No coat - no slavery. No Egypt - no exodus. No promised land - NO Messiah from that line of events!

How can one really think that had Jacob woke up that day and not felt like giving that coat to Joseph, that God would have altered all of His plans for redemption. lets not forget, Gen 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

God had Ordained Christ to the Cross before He even laid the foundation of the earth. Whats more is, He ordained everything that has and will ever come to pass.

God is all sovereign. His will is the only will that has never and can never be moved by any force other than Himself. You do not enjoy the same privilege, my friend.