We Dream!
So.. what’s so great about people anyway? Well to sum it up in two words... we dream.
I am not talking about dreaming at night as we sleep because I think even dogs do that, though no one can know for sure. I am talking about fantasies, dreams of what your future may hold, hopes and aspirations. As far as I know people are the only creators on earth that do this. And you can tell a lot about someone by what kind of dreams they have. I think we can agree that if you have dreams of riches, you are probably poor and most likely greedy. If your dreams are shallow, you’re shallow. If they are about nothing but sex, you’re a pig. If you dream of power, you are probably weak and a major jerk. But I think most of us have hopes and aspirations for something good. We hope to make a difference in the world, for our lives to make an impact on others in a positive way. These dreams, these fantasies, they are part of what set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Otherwise we would be nothing more then over grown germs living off and at odds with our environment. We would not even be very good ones. Take that dog I was talking about for an example. He can live in harmony with the world he lives in. He can walk around naked in the cold and not die; we would freeze to death the first winter. He can eat just about anything and hunt and kill with his own body. We have nothing in which to hunt with, no teeth to rip and tear an animal as a potential meal. A dog does no damage to the world in which he lives. But he will also never do anything to change that world for good, other then to make a person happy or serve mankind. And so there we see a great conundrum. We are special in that we dream, love, and have the power to think and comprehend. Yet as animals... we suck. Thank God we are more then just animals.