Wednesday, November 11, 2009

todays thought

today's thought is not so much about God as it is about people. people are so good at messin up what God has so freely givin us. the bible, see it tells us all these wonderful stories and detailed instructions on how to live out our lives with one another. yet people just cant do it. i know i cant!! but there is no shortage of those who "think" they can. now there in lays the rub, because i don't think God ever meant for us to be able to live life to the letter of his word (only maybe to shoot for it), but if that is true then why are there so many "strong, or mature Christians" willing to point the finger at others as the so called "lost" when they them selves are in a mess of sin, and self deception. and if these Christians so called are yet off the mark..... is there any hope for u and me? i think so, and may God help us to find it.