Monday, December 31, 2007

time to relax

so, here we are the last day of 2007. i feel somewhat guilty because i have not taken anytime to write a blog in so long. not that i think i have all that many readers or anything but this blog was created mostly for me to give me an outlet for the thoughts and studies that i do on God and theology. although i do know there are a few of you who do read this blog and so i am sorry i have been so lazy. i would like to make a commitment to blog something everyday in the new year but i think that i would only be forcing myself to write stuff that might not be very well thought out. so, i will commit to no less then one blog a week in the new year. i will however shoot for more. there are way to many benefits in blogging for me to just let it slip off into the "things to do" list of life. so with all that said, i am still going to take the next day or two that i have off work to relax. should i get around to doing a blog i will post it, but more then likely it will be after the new year. which is like a day away! lol! hope ya all enjoy it and stay safe, lots of crazys out there. till 2008 then, may he bless you

1 comment:

Mr. Young said...

Happy New Year Bro. Feels good to close this year out, right? I know it's been a long one, but today starts a new year. May we both grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord, and encourage one another in the Faith. Love in Christ - Shannon