Sunday, January 20, 2008

How a person can change his direction

A man must first come to the place in his life where he needs a change. Albeit, we can hardly imagine a life that would not need a change at some point. Life is often seen as a series of changes. As we move through life we often open our eyes look around and ask, where on earth am I and how did I end up here? Often it’s these times that a change is needed in our direction.
The next thing that a man must do is to come to some decision about where he is and where he would like to be. Just as a man can not change without seeing the need, he will not end up in a desirable place with out some proper brain storming. Some things to consider would be what is wrong with the current direction? What is it that you need to change in your life and why do you wish to change it? A clear concise look at your spiritual beliefs will help to point you in the right direction.
A mans beliefs can play a very large role in where he is headed in life. The only problem with this is that we as people have such a wide range of beliefs. It is my conviction that with out God, a change in direction will never be realized. Yes it is true that even non believers change their directions from time to time. I would argue that this is the
Common grace of God assisting them with out their knowledge. The best thing that we can do to insure that we are successful in this change is to make it a change toward God and his will. Because man is free in the sense that we can make decisions and choices. We are free to make the wrong ones (and often do). The only way we can set a new direction in life with the assurance that this is the right way, is through God.
He will need to pray. Prayer is the one way man can speak to God and set forth his desire for change. If this is a pure desire with pure motives you can start by thanking God. For this desire surly was not born of your own heart. The bible tells us that “the heart of man is deceitfully wicked; who can know it”. This man should then follow his thanksgiving in supplications for Grace and mercy in his life, that he may at length change his direction.
The final ingredient to a proper change in direction is the word of God. Just as with out God we can not change at all, with out his word any change in life will be fruitless. God sets forth in the bible everything we need in order to live out the rest of our days on a path that leads directly to him.

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