Friday, August 3, 2007

God is Good All The Time!!!!

God is good all the time. he is trust worthy and faithful when we are not. he is strong when i am weak, and so he does carry me by his precious Grace. this past winter was a very dark time for me in just about every way possible. my life outside of church, my life in church and any other point that has just about anything to do with me in anyway was bad. i was struggling just to stay afloat.
But why?
i had no real clue who God was and so i could not tell what was what. when your vision of God is so far off i think everything you learn about him is just a bit off to the left. i had way to much head knowledge, not all good, not all right (and it never will be)but what was worse yet i had no application of it. i never took time to ask God who are you, what do you want from me, and so on... i have asked those questions now and im still working on who God is. i know I shall be working on that one for all of forever (praise him for that), for i can think of no better thing to do with ones time then to spend it in the study of God. i think it is most important to have a God entranced vision of all things. for once i take my eyes off of how God relates to everything i may be putting my hands to; i run the risk of doing that thing in my own strength or worse yet trusting in the strength of some other thing and committing spiritual fornication. this is just how i have lived my first two years of Christianity. it almost crushed me. the burden of walking in ones own strength is one that is to grievous to be borne. God has moved me from the city to a small town, from a job i hated to a job i love, and has been most gracious in opening doors for me to minister to other Christians as well as evangelize to the lost. yes, God is good all the time. no, not just when things are good. for had he not let me stay in the fire i would never have learned the things i have. i must love and glory in him when things are grand, And not only so, but glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;


Unknown said...

Good message bro, I was thinking the whole time about....

Head knowledge is great, but nothing beats experience.... Such is so with God as well as with work.

I guess what I mean is that you have to live a little too!

Thanks man, keep it up.


David S Baker said...

yeah thats right, my man sometimes we just have to go through the flames! good to hear from ya hope Texas is treatin u ok!