Thursday, June 3, 2010

is God in black holes?

so i been thinking and what i think is that God is in black holes. here is why. the theory of general relativity explains our world just fine, but even Einstein knew that if nature ever where to form a black hole his theory would brake down. and if u try to use it to explain a black hole it does not work. the theory of quantum mechanics explains the universe at the atomic level. yet alone it also falls short of explaining the black hole. it is believed that the two theories would have to married together to explain a black hole. but when they try and do this the answer that comes from it is to them, total nonsense. basically its infinity+infinity+infinity+infinity+ out to infinity. LOL. sounds like a good answer to me. i have thought for a long time that if black holes are really out there they must be windows or doorways to God and heaven. time stands still, and all of the huge mass of the black hole all focuses down to one point of singularity. something so small and yet infinite that science does not even know how to explain it. to me, it screams of God. also, science believes that the universe began from a big bang that came from one of these singularities. possible i suppose, if God is the source at the center of a black hole it begins to really make sense.... hmmm... just a thought

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